Parent and Guardian Information

Meet the Student Services Team

Sue Calvino

Head of Pastoral Care

Kate Wilkinson

Learning Support Co-ordinator

Ashley Smith

Senior Personal Progress Tutor

Luke Dighton

Senior Personal Progress Tutor

Nicola Gold

Guidance Team Administrator

Nicola Braddy

SEN Administrator

Getting in touch with your PPT

Between college opening hours you can pop into Student Services to speak with your PPT.

To email your PPT just separate their name with a dot and add; for example:

What does my PPT do?

Each student is assigned a PPT who:

  • Monitors your attendance and behaviour
  • Works with your parents and outside agencies
  • Delivers Yr 12 Evolve Sessions and Yr 13 Progression Sessions
  • Carries out 1:1 interviews that focus on academic attainment and progression
  • Takes a holistic overview within the reporting cycle
  • Is your student advocate
  • Is your starting point for any extended support needed.

How can my PPT help me?

We can signpost you to additional support if you:

  • Suffer with anxiety, depression or panic attacks
  • Have housing worries
  • Would like to work on your physical or mental health
  • Are worried about substance abuse
  • Need advice and guidance about your next steps after One

The Well-being Room

Need a quiet, calm place to gather your thoughts? Then pop in to speak with our student services team and your PPT can direct you to our well-being room.

First Aid Room

Our First Aid room is located in Student Services, behind the reception desk. If you require First Aid assistance then please ask the receptionist, who will call our trained First Aid provider.

Evolve and Progression Sessions

Evolve & Progression are an important aspect of your timetable during your studies at One. It’s compulsory that you attend your Evolve sessions in Year 12 and your Progression sessions in Year 13, which are delivered by your PPT. During these sessions your PPT will deliver college wide information, help with UCAS, careers and apprenticeships, and cover topics such as internet safety and health and well-being.

Additional Support

During your time with us, you may need additional support and help with your studies. We can help you in areas such as: access arrangements for exams, emotional support or additional learning resources. The easiest way to do this is to talk to your PPT, who will signpost you to the most appropriate person within One. We will also help to support you through the transition process from school to college.

If you need extra help because of a physical, sensory or a specific disability, One offers a range of support services that can help you.

For more information please contact the Manager of Student Services on 01473 556600.

Student Absence

If you are unwell and not able to make it into college it is vital that you contact the college to inform us that you won’t be in.

You can do this in three ways:

  • Call the absence line and leave your name and PPT group and a brief description of the reason for your absence – 01473 556610.
  • Email your subject teachers, copying in your PPT to confirm you won’t be in college.
  • Or, email:

It is essential that you contact your subject teachers to catch up and complete any missed work.

What else can you expect?

Progress Review Reports for Year 12 Students will be sent out to parents/carers in November and February. If you have any questions regarding a student’s progress, please contact their PPT in the first instance. 

Keep in Touch

There is always lots going on at One and plenty to get involved in. Keep up to date with everything One related:

01473 556 600

Absence Line: 01473  556610

One, Scrivener Drive, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP8 3SU

County Lines

Online Safety

Progression after One

Parent and Carer Guide to Reports and Progress Tracking



Support for Students / Parents / Guardians