One books literature prize from prestigious organisation

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After being voted the best sixth form in the country at a Westminster ceremony earlier in the year, One has just received another national accolade.

One scooped the BTEC college of the year award in July.

The latest acclaim comes from the organisers behind the prestigious Man Booker Prize.

A new member of the learning resources team (Maria Tricker) was tasked with creating a Man Booker themed display in the library as part of her induction six weeks ago.

She took a photo and sent this into the national Man Booker library display competition and saw off competition from over 100 other entries to claim first prize.

On winning the award, 27 year old Maria from Clacton, said, "The Man Booker Prize is one of the most prestigious literature prizes of all time so it's great to have this association with them. I'm chuffed my display was voted the best in the country – everyone seems really proud."

One of the organisers from four communications who notified Maria of her win was Kate Klevit. She said, "We absolutely loved your display."